
2013 National U.S. Voter Public Opinion Survey On America’s Population Growth

Each year, NPG receives thousands of responses to our annual National U.S. Voter Public Opinion Survey on America’s Population Growth.  The survey is sent to Americans from coast to coast, and the responses we receive allow NPG to establish a snapshot of the nation’s overall position on issues related to population growth.  We thank all who participated in this year’s survey – we appreciate your support in this important project.  The results of this year’s survey are tabulated below.


1. America’s runaway population is fueling a dangerous surge of social, environmental and economic problems that are seriously impacting our communities and destroying our quality of life. Do you think Congress should act quickly to adopt a national population policy that would put the brakes on our nation’s uncontrolled population growth?

YES = 89%

NO = 6%



2. The U.S. Census Bureau reports that our U.S. population will grow from the current 315 Million to 400 Million by the year 2050.  What do you believe should be our national population target for the United States in the year 2050?

Smaller than today’s 315 million = 68%

Between 315 million and 350 million = 29%

Between 350 million and the projected 400 million = 1%

No Response = 2%


3. Each year our immigrant population, now at over 35 Million, swells by over 1 Million more new immigrants as some 1,000,000 legal and 500,000 illegal immigrants settle in America.  Do you think our nation’s current immigration level of over 1.5 Million per year is too high?

YES = 98%

NO = 1%



4. Under current policies, immigration will account for over 80% of our U.S. population growth to 400 Million by 2050.  Do you think Congress should significantly reduce today’s immigration rates to stabilize and reduce America’s exploding population?

YES = 97%

NO = 2%



5. To provide a much-needed “time-out” to solve our overpopulation problems and achieve a long-term sustainable U.S. population, Negative Population Growth recommended reducing legal immigration to not more than 200,000 per year from the current 1,000,000.  What do you think is the most desirable number of immigrants we should allow to come and settle permanently in the U.S. each year?

Less than today’s 1,000,000 = 21%

Less than 300,000 per year — reduce by two-thirds = 14%

NPG’s recommended 200,000 per year = 61%

No Response = 4%


6. Recognizing the vital need to increase America’s homeland security, do you think Congress should put pressure on government agencies to enforce current laws to apprehend and deport the millions of illegal aliens now living in America permanently?

YES = 96%

NO = 1%



7. Do you support the ideal of the two child family using non-coercive financial and family planning incentives for all Americans, regardless of income, to reduce high fertility rates?

YES = 38%

NO = 30%

NOT SURE = 32%


8. Of the following reasons for stopping and reversing our U.S. population growth, please rate their importance from 1-5 (1 being most important).

Impact on our environment = 10%

Deteriorating quality of life = 16%

Urban sprawl = 1%

Overcrowded classrooms = 1%

Terrible traffic congestion = 1%

Loss of farmland = 4%

Overwhelming burden on government, services, and taxpayers = 40%

Other = 2%

No Response = 25%


9. Do you support Negative Population Growth’s national grassroots campaign to put pressure on Congress and show our lawmakers we want them to pass laws to reduce America’s exploding population and protect our quality of life?

YES = 82%

NO = 5%

NOT SURE = 13%


10. More and more Americans are finding that while overpopulation and immigration issues were once mainly concentrated in major cities they are now hitting much closer to home and spreading to both large and small communities all across the nation.  How concerned are you about overpopulation (including an influx of new immigrants) in your own community?

Very concerned = 82%

Somewhat concerned = 15%

Not concerned at all = 3%
