
The Impact of Immigrant Children on America’s Public Schools

All Students Lose in Overcrowded Classrooms Taught by Overworked Teachers. As a nation we have witnessed outrage after outrage during ...

How Millennials Are Slowing U.S. Population Growth and Enhancing Sustainability

They are stressed out. Afraid to take risks. The cheapest generation of Americans, say some, preferring to rent rather than ...

To Grow the Economy Increase Human Capital, Not the Number of Humans

The Baby Boomers are retiring! The Baby Boomers are retiring! And only immigration can prevent a decline in our working-age ...
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Resurgent Pro-Natalism in the Trump Administration

Historically, the primary determinant of U.S. population size has been fertility – a topic associated with some of the most ...


Your gift helps publish and distribute materials like this. Click here for a downloadable, printable PDF version AMERICA’S GROUNDWATER: ARE WE ...

Collision Course: Infrastructure and U.S. Population Growth

American infrastructure faces two enormous challenges. Much of it was built shortly after World War II, so it is outdated and ...
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Reforming Birthright Citizenship: A Must For U.S. Population Policy

Section 1, Clause 1 of the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution declares: “All persons born or naturalized in the ...

Formulating Immigration Policy in a Time of Reform: A Plan For The Compensated Repatriation of Illegal Aliens

A HISTORIC OPPORTUNITY TO REFORM IMMIGRATION POLICY Until 2016, a seemingly insurmountable coalition of interests groups had blocked any serious ...

Earth Day and Population: A Missed Opportunity

Your gift helps publish and distribute materials like this. Click here for a downloadable, printable PDF version EARTH DAY AND ...
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Chain Migration: How Immigration Begets More Immigration

Just over 1.05 million new legal permanent immigrants were admitted to the United States in 2015 – a slight increase ...