
Sanctuary Cities: Politics Overshadow Responsible U.S. Immigration Policies (An NPG Position Paper)

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In recent years, America’s radio stations, televisions, newspaper headlines, and magazine covers have been inundated with talk of “sanctuary cities.” Experts on both sides of the argument have proclaimed their position – it’s the “absolutely right” or “absolutely wrong” thing for America to do, depending on who you ask. However, a few critical pieces of information seem to be missing from this debate – information which is necessary if our nation is to make an informed decision on such an important policy.
First, there is no standard definition of “sanctuary” legislation. A wide variety of policies are often lumped together under the moniker, and there is widespread confusion about what the term actually means. Second, because there is no standard definition, it is difficult to categorize how many “sanctuary cities” actually exist in the U.S. – so it is nearly impossible to clearly demonstrate how pervasive this policy trend has become. Third, and what is perhaps the most important information of all – nowhere in any of the mass media and government debate of this issue have we seen detailed discussion of the impact of sanctuary policies on U.S. population size and growth, and the many consequences of that growth.
Americans hear much of the proposed ethical, humanitarian, and moral arguments for creating more sanctuary cities – but we hear little of how these policies work to increase immigration, which will soon become the primary driver of U.S. population growth. And we hear almost nothing of how that population growth is damaging our environment… straining our economy… overburdening our crumbling infrastructure… further crowding our schools, roads, and hospitals… adding to water and air pollution… increasing our consumption of dwindling natural resources… contributing to climate change… causing mass animal and plant extinction… running government budgets dry… worsening water shortages… and generally diminishing our quality of life.
Sadly, except for the work of NPG and other organizations who share our goals – the public is hearing nothing at all of the barren America our grandchildren are destined to inherit if we maintain what has become our current national policy: Limitless Acquiescence. If we set aside the political agendas and emotional propaganda surrounding the issue, we can focus on the specific actions being taken by cities, states, and even our federal government. When we look only at these actions – which have come in the form of memos, department directives, specific policies, broad legislation, or even executive orders – the trend is clear. America has become a sanctuary nation, and present politics have overshadowed our responsibility to future generations.

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