How Will America Handle 400 Million People by Mid-Century?
- October 13, 2017
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This ad appeared in the Washington Times on October 2, 2017.
Please click the photo to view the add as it appeared in the Washington Times.
It’s long past time for a major correction in our nation’s immigration and population policies. Failure to take action soon will lead to more out-of-control immigration and soaring population growth – creating major economic, social and environmental havoc.
If we continue on the present track, the Census Bureau projects that US population will soar from its present 325 million people to 400 million by mid-century – just 33 years from now!
That’s a devastating number we cannot accept.
At a time when our nation’s leaders fi nd it impossible to lower America’s $20 trillion debt, when divisiveness – rather than unity – shapes our national social fabric, and when it is hard to make progress in protecting our country’s air, land, water, and rich environmental assets from devastation… we must take collective action to stop never-ending growth.
It’s time for all Americans to rise up and demand sensible and responsible policies that will forcefully address illegal immigration, strictly limit legal immigration, and put our nation on a livable and sustainable course for our children, grandchildren, and future generations.
NPG is leading the battle to rally Americans to confront their federal, state and local leaders and demand that they stand up to the “growth at any cost” factions – whose greed will destroy our great nation. Without planned, common sense policy decisions to slow, halt, and eventually reverse future development in our cities, communities, and vulnerable open spaces, we will all pay a huge price. NPG’s partners fund critical population research, educational outreach to America’s schools, and grassroots activism.
“Growth At Any Cost” is a Destructive Policy That Will Trigger
Future Economic, Social and Environmental Crises!