
NPG Denounces Immigration Expansion via President’s Fast-Track Trade Promotion Authority

NPG Denounces Immigration Expansion via President’s Fast-Track Trade Promotion Authority

According to NPG President Don Mann, short-term political concessions continue to drive America’s unsustainable population growth.

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Alexandria, VA (June 26, 2015) – Negative Population Growth (NPG) President Donald Mann has denounced Congress’ move to grant President Obama fast-track trade promotion authority (TPA), which NPG believes will likely result in new unilateral immigration expansions. On June 24, the Senate approved TPA and it advanced to President Obama’s desk. The White House is now pressing ahead with other trade deals – which would allow President Obama to circumvent our existing laws and expand immigration through new temporary visa programs. Simply fulfilling the President’s controversial immigration agenda by another route, the trade deals pave the way for new waves of family reunification and illegal entries.

In response to the continued introduction of what NPG sees as reckless and population-increasing legislation, the organization will release a new compilation of its President’s Column articles in early July. Written by NPG President Don Mann, the articles outline the most critical elements of NPG policy on population growth and immigration levels in the United States. “What we are witnessing is more than just a tug-of-war between the White House and Congress. Americans must not lose sight of the overriding issue: the more people we permit to enter and remain in our country, the greater social, economic, and environmental pressure we place on our society,” Mann declared.

Mann noted: “As immigration expansion and weakened enforcement become forms of political patronage, the nation moves farther away from coherent, enforceable, and sustainable immigration and population policies.” The four articles included in the new paper demonstrate NPG’s suggestions for such sustainable policies. They include: NPG Statement on Population, Why We Need a Smaller U.S. Population and How We Can Achieve It, Immigration: The Driving Force behind Our U.S. Population Growth, and Making Believe About the U.S. Population Crisis.

NPG is the nation’s premier grassroots organization fighting for population stabilization, achieved largely through immigration reform. NPG has long fought for reduced legal immigration and an end to illegal immigration in order to slow, halt, and eventually reverse our nation’s soaring population growth.

“The irresponsible and short-sighted way our country’s political leaders are handling the entire immigration issue should frighten all Americans,” Mann said. He continued: “If citizens don’t unite and derail President Obama’s recent attempt to expand immigration through trade deals, it could hinder any chance to ever stop population growth. It will lead to greater political pressures on future presidents to circumvent our laws and open the gates for countless millions more immigrants to enter our country both legally and illegally. That will prove to be devastating to our nation.”

Mann cited a 2014 NPG Forum paper authored by Senior Advisor David Simcox, which stated: “The 41.3 million foreign-born residents recorded in 2013 is easily the largest number in U.S. history. America’s role as the world population sink is apparent in these numbers: a nation with only 4.5 percent of the world’s population now accommodates 18 percent of all its immigrants.”

Mann concluded: “America certainly must reevaluate and renegotiate trade agreements to strengthen our nation’s economy, but we cannot allow ‘fast-track’ bills and hasty backroom deals to override our nation’s broader interest in immigration limits. Our biggest challenge in the coming decades is to put the brakes on immigration and focus on how we can best reverse population growth. In all, respect for our nation’s laws – rather than scoring political points – is essential if we are going to craft responsible immigration policies and meet our obligation to leave our children and grandchildren a livable and sustainable future.”
