
The NPG Journal: Vol. 8, No. 6

The NPG Journal: Vol. 8, No. 6


When Lou Barletta was mayor of Hazelton, PA he won national accolades for standing up to protect his town from an influx of immigrants. The federal government stepped in and stopped him in his tracks. Not to be outdone, Barletta ran for Congress and won.

Alongside a number of his colleagues, last week the three-term Congressman unveiled H.R. 191: the Repeal Executive Amnesty Act of 2015.

Introduced by Rep. Robert Aderholt (AL-4) and currently cosponsored by 40 Members of Congress, the bill was authored by Representatives Aderholt, Barletta, Lamar Smith (TX-21), and Marsha Blackburn (TN-7). Their legislation prohibits the spending of federal funds to carry out President Obama’s recent executive amnesty decrees. It also cuts off funding for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, and enables local law enforcement to again enforce immigration laws – which has been prohibited under the Obama administration’s policies.

According to Barletta’s office, H.R. 191 is multi-faceted. “Important in the legislation is language from Barletta’s proposal that protects people who are legally authorized to work in the United States. The bill clarifies that illegal immigrants granted amnesty by executive action cannot be issued work permits.” The bill also prevents illegal aliens from receiving critical social entitlements, such as Social Security and Medicare.

In announcing H.R. 191, Barletta stated: “When I was mayor of my town, we noticed that our population went up by 50-percent, but our tax revenue remained the same. Clearly, we had a problem. I’ve dealt with it in my own town. Now we have to deal with it nationally.”

NPG notes that H.R. 191 is but one of a number of bills related to immigration reform which will be debated in the months ahead. We encourage all NPG members – and all concerned Americans – to contact their elected officials in Congress today. Make your voice heard: lax immigration policies encourage more and more immigrants to arrive in the U.S., greatly increasing our population growth. More growth means more serious problems for our nation’s future! We must demand responsible policies which work to slow, halt, and eventually reverse U.S. population growth now – before it is too late! (For more information, see NPG’s 10 Principles for a Responsible U.S. Population Policy.)


census-gov-soc-med-icons700America’s population continues to grow – to the detriment of our nation, as well as many states. In late December, the U.S. Census Bureau released the following information:

Florida – now with 19.9 million people – has surpassed New York to become the third most-populous state, behind only California and Texas. The “Sunshine State,” which saw a halt to its population growth following the nation’s 2008 economic collapse, is now back to growing furiously – adding an average of 803 new residents each day.

California remains the most populous state with 38.8 million residents in 2014, followed by Texas at 27 million. Georgia, now the 8th largest state, saw its population pass 10 million people. North Dakota, with its current oil boom, was the nation’s fastest-growing state – last year its population increased 2.2 percent.

Just six states lost population, and they were: Illinois, West Virginia, Connecticut, New Mexico, Alaska and Vermont.

From July 1, 2013 to July 1, 2014, Census showed: “The United States as a whole saw its population increase by 2.4 million to 318.9 million, or 0.75 percent.” As of January 1, 2015, the United States had reached an estimated 320,090,857 people – and was continuing to grow by an average of one person every 16 seconds.


For 43 years, NPG has been spreading our critical message – highlighting the dire consequences of population growth and the vital need to limit immigration – to both Congress and the American people. Central to our effort has been an ongoing series of national NPG Press Releases, which highlight our activities and serve to educate the public.

In June 2014, we switched to a new media platform for our Press Releases – and that action has paid off handsomely in extending our reach. Our latest NPG Press Release regarding new Census projections for 2060 was picked up by several hundred national media organizations (with a potential audience of 155,486,100) in just 24 hours. Since implementing the new media program last year, a total of 14 NPG Press Releases were picked up by over 3,600 national media outlets – reaching a potential audience of over 800 million people!

We look forward to a very active 2015 when we will continue to reach – and teach – millions of Americans, alerting them to the nation’s growing population problems.

Help your friends and family stay updated on the very latest NPG news and activities! Contact our staff (email us at, or call us at 703-370-9510) with their email address, and we will add them to the NPG email list – which includes the free NPG Journal!


“Environmentalists have been outspoken in their support of smaller family size… to [reduce] global warming. But when it comes to immigration, the single biggest contributor to population growth in the industrial world, they stand largely silent.”

– Gary Bauer


“Rapid population growth and technological innovation, combined with our lack of understanding about how the natural systems of which we are a part work, have created a mess.”

– David Suzuki


“It’s coming home to roost over the next 50 years or so. It’s not just climate change; it’s sheer space, places to grow food for this enormous horde. Either we limit our population growth or the natural world will do it for us, and the natural world is doing it for us right now.”

– David Attenborough
