
Perpetual Population Growth is the Aim of Washington’s Immigration Policy, Says NPG Head Don Mann

Alexandria, VA (March 13, 2014) – NPG President Don Mann, in his March 2014 President’s Column, states that the current drive in Congress and the White House to double immigration grows out of the widely held but misguided conviction that immigration-fed population growth ensures economic growth.

Mann rejects the warning of the President’s Council of Economic Advisors that the slowing growth and aging of the U.S. population means that the country needs more workers to raise economic output and expand the consumer base.  He deplores the lack of concern among political and business leaders for the dangers to America’s environment and resource base from continued economic and population growth.  That growth is now projected to add 83 million more U.S. residents by mid-century, and as many as 120 million more to an already overpopulated nation if the proposed radical immigration increases are enacted.

For Mann, the resulting expansion of U.S. immigration would be intended to produce perpetual population growth.  This can only end in the destruction of our standard of living and that of our descendants, along with fatal degradation of our resources and environment.

Mann renewed NPG’s call for a policy of zero-net migration, limiting overall intake to about 200,000 a year to balance emigration.  Prompt enactment of such a limit, when combined with the current preference of Americans for sub-replacement fertility, would allow the U.S. population to stabilize before 2050 at about 325 million and then begin a gradual decline to a level that would be sustainable for the long term.
