
NPG Calls for President Biden to Aim for a Reduction in Population Size to Meet Carbon Emissions Goals

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NPG Calls for President Biden to Aim for a Reduction in Population Size to Meet Carbon Emissions Goals

Will President Biden Heed NPG’s Call to Include a Rational Discussion on Population Size as It Relates to Environmental Priorities?

Alexandria, VA, (May 11, 2021):  Negative Population Growth, Inc. – America’s premier nonprofit organization working to educate all Americans regarding the detrimental effects of population growth, is launching a new campaign in response to the recent meeting of 40 international delegates to discuss a plan to reduce carbon emissions by 2030.

NPG is calling for President Biden to also aim to reduce population size and growth in order to reach the environmental goals established at the first meeting, held over the course of two days on April 22 and 23.

“Our plan is asking for our thousands of members and supporters to call the White House comment line to express their desire to include a rational discussion of population size and growth in this international agreement,” said Craig Lewis, NPG’s Executive Vice President.  “We will issue several calls-to-action to our members and also place advertisements in print publications to encourage the general public to participate as well,” he continued.

“Without a goal to slow population growth, and eventually to reduce it to a smaller, truly sustainable level, these meetings will likely prove futile.  With any environmental goal, the real challenge is always the same:  the number of people contributing to the problem.  If the goal is to reduce emissions, it stands to reason that that the number of emitters must be part of any calculations considered.”



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