
NPG Calls for Moving Issue of U.S. Population Growth to Center of National Debate

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NPG Calls for Moving Issue of U.S. Population Growth to Center of National Debate

Cites Need for Open Discussion on Population Size and Growth

Declaring a vital need for greater debate regarding population size and growth across the globe and especially in the U.S., Negative Population Growth (NPG) President Donald Mann is calling on elected leaders to be more vocal in addressing ever-increasing population numbers that will negatively impact America’s future.          

Mann’s action was triggered by the population issue being raised in a recent national forum on climate change which sparked an outbreak of misguided reactions and denouncements in the nation’s press.  He noted: “For too many decades, our elected leaders have willingly ignored or marginalized the critical issue of our nation’s soaring population levels. Yet all the while we are racing toward a future filled with major economic, social and environmental crises fueled by too many people.  If we don’t work to slow, halt, and eventually reverse U.S. population growth, our children and grandchildren are going to face huge problems.”

Mann stated: “Here in these early decades of the 21st century it is crucial that we wake up to the reality that as bountiful as America is, our country has limits – especially when it comes to meeting the myriad needs of an ever-expanding population competing for clean air, an unpredictable supply of water, and ever-diminishing open land.”  He cited projections that show that at the current pace of growth, U.S. population will reach 404 million people by 2060 – almost 70 million more people in 40 years.

Asserting that government has a major role to play in addressing and resolving the issue of overpopulation by promoting smaller families and controlling immigration, Mann holds that, “We can no longer delay. To ensure a livable America for future generations, we must resolve today’s stalemate on immigration issues and finally gain control of our nation’s borders, end chain migration, enact more workable asylum policies, and identify and deport those who overstay their visa.  Also, a huge step in halting population growth would be to drastically reduce legal immigration to a figure much lower than today’s 1.2 million new arrivals annually.” 

“The fact that current national polls show immigration to be a top concern of the American people,” Mann says, “proves that now is the time to bring this issue to the fore of national debate and force our elected leaders to pursue a much smaller, sustainable population size.  Failure to do so, will severely limit any progress our nation can make in addressing climate change and other major economic, social and environmental issues. There has never been a more important time to put population size and growth in the forefront of national debate.”

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