
NPG Awards National Student Scholarships for 2018-2019 Academic Year

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NPG Awards National Student Scholarships for 2018-2019 Academic Year

Six Students Will Share in $6,000 for Essays Related to Overpopulation

Negative Population Growth leaders have announced this year’s winners of the organization’s Annual Essay Scholarship Contest.  Six students from across the U.S. will receive checks ranging from $2,000 to $750 to put toward their annual tuition.

The winning students competed for their scholarship awards by writing an original 500-750 word essay addressing the following topic:  With America headed toward a population of approximately 400 million people by 2050 (up from the present 327 million), such huge numbers will surely intensify many of our country’s most critical environmental problems.  Select ONE environmental issue from below, explain how it is made worse by population growth, and describe what measures you would recommend our nation’s leaders take to ensure we protect our fragile environment for generations to come.  Air Pollution;  Availability of Clean Water; Climate Change; Destruction of Wildlife Habitat; Detrimental Effects of Coal, Oil and Natural Gas Extractions; Loss of American Farmland; Protection of Wetlands; Shrinking of Parks and Green Spaces; Urban Sprawl.  The contest was open to high school seniors, as well as currently-enrolled college undergraduates.

Hannah Sackles of the University of Florida Gainesville, took the first-place prize of a $2,000 scholarship, with Grace Klein of Denison University in Granville, Ohio being awarded a $1,000 scholarship for her second-place finish.  Abigail Snellgrove of the University of South Carolina in Columbia; Susan Leigh Thomassie of Loyola University of New Orleans; Clarke Williams of Howard University in Washington, D.C. and Morgan Zenon from Lakeland University in Plymouth, Wisconsin, received Honorable Mention scholarships of $750 each.

This year’s prizes are just a portion of the tens of thousands of dollars of scholarship money NPG has awarded in recent years as part of their Youth Outreach program.  This multi-faceted program is designed to get America’s young people focused on the disastrous future that awaits their generation if our nation’s leaders fail to soon recognize and act on putting forth workable, responsible, common sense solutions to today’s ever-growing population crisis.

In addition to sponsoring their annual student scholarship competition, NPG has worked through the years with thousands of teachers nationwide who help bring the message about the vital need to slow, halt and eventually reverse population growth to America’s classrooms.  These efforts are funded through the generous support of NPG members who are especially interested in leaving a livable world to their children and grandchildren.

In commenting on the awarding of the 2018 Scholarships, Craig Lewis, NPG’s Executive Vice President, noted:  “This year saw a record number of students competing.  We find that increase to be extremely encouraging as it reflects the fact that today’s youth are becoming more and more aware that a nation and world of too many people will only fuel economic, social, and environmental chaos.  Knowing that so many young people are eager to be part of the battle to protect our nation for generations to come bodes well for the future.”

Founded in 1972, NPG is a national nonprofit membership organization dedicated to educating the American public and political leaders regarding the damaging effects of population growth.  We believe that our nation is already vastly overpopulated in terms of the long-range carrying capacity of its resources and environment.  NPG advocates the adoption of its Proposed National Population Policy, with the goal of eventually stabilizing U.S. population at a sustainable level – far lower than today’s.  We do not simply identify the problems – we propose solutions.  For more information, visit our website at, follow us on Facebook @NegativePopulationGrowth, or follow us on Twitter @npg_org.

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