
NPG Announces Essay and Photo Scholarship Winners

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NPG Announces Essay and Photo Scholarship Winners

 NPG will award $7,500 in scholarships to 6 talented college students, all of whom advocate a national policy to reduce U.S. population.

Alexandria, VA – In keeping with its longstanding and highly popular Youth Outreach program, Negative Population Growth (NPG) continues to engage America’s students in the fight for their future.  High school seniors and undergraduate students nationwide were invited to participate in NPG’s 2017 Essay and Photography Scholarship Contests.  Out of thousands of entries, three Photography winners and three Essay winners were selected to receive a scholarship – ranging from $2,000 to $500 – towards their fall semester university tuition fees. 

In this year’s Photography Contest, students were asked to submit their original photo and a short description demonstrating how the U.S. environment is being damaged by population growth.  For the Essay Contest, students were asked to provide NPG with a three – to five – point plan to educate President Trump and the more than 50 new members of the 115th Congress about the sources of U.S. population growth.  This year’s Photography Contest winners were posted on NPG’s website on June 9th and Essay Contest winners on June 30th. Both contests ask students to explain their ideas for policies that work to slow, halt, and eventually reverse population growth.

NPG President Donald Mann stated:  “Thousands of students from across America answered our call for submissions.  The 6 winners who were selected represent the very best of what NPG received – an impressive display of the raw talent found within America’s next generation of leaders.  These students captured the destruction that has accompanied our nation’s population growth, and clearly illustrated the need for a national policy to address – and resolve – this crisis.”

He continued:  “Of the principles that NPG sees as indispensable for a responsible national population policy, one of the most vital is engaging America’s students.  It is their future which is at stake – and they must play a pivotal role in planning our nation’s policies.  The federal government must do more to educate today’s young people regarding the damaging effects of population growth on our environment, natural resources, and quality of life.”

Mann added:  “Thanks to the generous support of NPG members and various foundations, we are able to provide this annual program to support the education of America’s next generation of leaders.  As we continue our mission to inform U.S. citizens and legislators regarding the damaging consequences of population growth, it is vital that we engage our nation’s young citizens.  It is their future quality of life which is at stake!  By supporting NPG, anyone who is concerned about our nation’s population growth is helping us to aid these valuable activists – and helping us to move towards a solution.”


