
Growth in the Chesapeake Bay

Recent articles in Politico and the Bay Journal have called attention to the significant environmental stress within the Chesapeake Bay area.  One article references “The war over Chesapeake Bay,” when discussing the controversial clean-up plan launched by the Obama administration several years ago.  In another, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) administrator Gina McCarthy highlights a “discouraging lack of progress” in some areas to protect the nation’s largest estuary.


NPG has long warned of the dangers of population growth to environmental treasures such as this.  In 2013, NPG published the Forum paper Revisiting the Chesapeake Bay:  The Effect of Population Growth on America’s Largest EstuaryBay area expert Tom Horton gives his insight on how growth in the watershed area has contributed to its downfall. 

In an effort to engage our nation’s next generation of leaders and environmental activists – we also regularly publish educational materials for America’s classrooms, such as our highly-popular Chesapeake Bay Poster

Designed to foster greater understanding of overpopulation and its impact on the environment, these valuable resources remain FREE OF CHARGE thanks to the generous support of members like you.

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