
The Caribbean Immigration Centrifuge: A Portent of Continued Immigration Growth (NPG Footnote)

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An NPG Forum Paper
(NPG Footnote) 
by David Simcox
February 1995

Washington’s agreement with Castro last fall to increase Cuban immigration to at least 20,000 a year once again sacrifices much-needed immigration restraint for foreign policy quick fixes. The administration’s bending of the immigration law’s eligibility rules is a reckless precedent that will encourage future circumventions.

Moreover, Washington’s policies toward both Cuba and Haiti betray its tendency to see only the short-term political and economic factors in the outflow of Caribbean peoples, ignoring the long-term social and demographic forces driving mass migration from the Caribbean’s 22 island nations, whether rich or poor, democratic or dictatorial.

In the past decade, Caribbean island nations, with a population of 35 million, have sent more than one million legal and illegal immigrants to the United States one-sixth of the region’s population increase over the decade.

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