Is Biden Finally Taking Action at the Border?
- May 3, 2023
- NPG Commentary
May 4, 2023
Is Biden Finally Taking Action at the Border?
An Additional 1,500 Troops Deployed… but What Will They Actually Do?
NPG has been asking President Biden what he plans to do to resolve the growing crisis on our southern border – and we may finally have an answer. We use the term “answer” rather loosely.
Earlier this week, the Biden Administration announced that 1,500 additional troops will be sent to the border to assist with the expected surge of illegal crossings as Title 42 comes to an end next week, on May 11. (Title 42 was a border security measure put into place during the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic to greatly reduce immigration in an attempt to stop the spread of the virus.)
What NPG finds very disturbing about this news is that President Biden is anticipating a crisis… but not until next week. NPG firmly believes the United States is already in a crisis, and have been for more than two years as terribly lax immigration policies (and gross negligence) have allowed nearly 7.5 million illegal crossings since President Biden took office.
What may be even more disturbing to learn is that these 1,500 troops will not actually deal with the problem – they will be managing the effects. According to a statement from the Department of Homeland Security: “DoD personnel will be performing non-law enforcement duties such as ground based detection and monitoring, data entry, and warehouse support. DoD personnel have never, and will not, perform law enforcement activities or interact with migrants or other individuals in DHS custody.”
Senator Bob Menendez (D, NJ) had an interesting comment in regards to Biden’s actions. Menendez said: “The Biden Administration’s militarization of the border is unacceptable.” Why is it unacceptable? Every nation has the right to defend its borders. Menendez continues by saying: “There is already a humanitarian crisis in the Western Hemisphere, and deploying military personnel only signals that migrants are a threat that require our nation’s troops to contain. Nothing could be further from the truth.”
Let’s stop twisting words. Illegal border crossings are most certainly a threat to the U.S., and to any other country. We have the right to know who is entering our nation and to require they do so legally.
Immigration policy must serve to better the entire nation, not a select number of special interest groups. Even more important, immigration laws must be applied consistently and over the very long term in order to actually work. No elected official should have the ability to arbitrarily decide to simply ignore current laws in order to fulfill campaign promises. It’s time to stop politicizing immigration reform and do what is right for all Americans.
So please, call President Biden, your U.S. Senators, and Congressional Representative. Demand that they secure our southern border once and for all. Future generations will thank you.
White House Switchboard 202-456-1111
Capitol Switchboard 202-324-3121
You may also use NPG’s convenient Make Your Voice Heard webpage to email your elected officials directly through their individual websites.
Tell them that the only real solution is to stop the flow of migrants. Otherwise, we are simply rearranging the deck chairs on a sinking ship.
Negative Population Growth, Inc. was founded in 1972 to educate all Americans regarding the need for policies designed to slow, halt, and eventually reverse immigration-driven population growth. Understanding that the overwhelming majority of our growth stems directly from immigration and the American-born children of recent immigrants, NPG calls for an end to illegal immigration and a cap on legal immigration to no more than 200,000 per year. The current open-border mentality now in place does not serve the interest of the country. We simply must secure the border; end the system of catch-and-release which actually encourages more illegals to enter; and, return to a system in which hopeful migrants are required to take specific, known, and reasonable steps in order to migrate to the U.S.